Program Description
Discussing with the supervisor student has to take total two courses from the followings including at least one course related with the subject matter of the research. The full mark of each course is 100. Full mark of oral examination is 100. So, the total marks of the examination are 300. Student has to pass individually in the course and oral examinations. The time for the examination of 100 marks is 4 hours. Student will be promoted to the second part by getting 50% marks in the first part examination. If any student wants to convert the subject matter of the research from M.Phil to Ph.D, has to obtain 60% marks in the first part written examination and one research article related with the research has to be published singly in any recognized research journal during the study period of the first part or earlier.
Brief Introduction of the Courses
Course No. Course name
101 Saṃhitā, Brāhmaṇa, Āraṇyaka and Upaniṣada
102 Vedic Grammar and Prosody
103 Sanskrit Poetry and Prose
104 Sanskrit Rūpaka
105 Sanskrit Alaṅkāra and Prosody
106 Sanskrit Poetics
107 Arthaśāstra and Nītiśāstra
108 Ancient Sanskrit Epic
109 Purāṇa Literature
110 Upaniṣadīya Philosophy
111 Ṣaḍadarśana
112 Mīmāṃsā and Vārttika
113 Nyāya, Saṃhitā, Śruti and Tantra
114 Dharmaśāstra and Smṛtiśāstra
115 Vaiṣṇavadarśana
116 Vaiṣṇava Rasaśāstra
117 Prākṛta and Apabhraṃśa Language-literature
118 Āyurveda
119 Āyurvedīya Rasaśāstra and Treatment