Prachyavidya patrika

Prof. Dilip Kumar Bhattacharyya Research Centre (DKBRC)


About the Journal

In 1999 Prof. Dilip Kumar Bhattacharyya took an initiative to publish a research journal from the Department of Sanskrit and Pali. The academic committee of the department accepted the proposal and decided the name of the journal would be Prachyavidya patrika. First issue of the journal was published in 1999 by the financial help of Mr. Anil Kumar Mukherjee. Dr. Bhattacharyya expired in the month of October 24, 1999. By the initiation of Prof. Dr. Presh Chandra Mandal the second issue of the journal was published in 2001 and Mr. Anil Kumar Mukharjee again gave financial help.

Before his death Prof. Bhattacharyya made a deed and through this deed he donated 50% of his earning to the department. The department took a decision to run a research centre in memory of Dr. Bhattacharyya (Prof. Dilip Kumar Bhattacharyya Research Centre (DKBRC) by that donated money with an aim to enrich the research on Hindu-Buddhist religion and philosophy and Sanskrit-Pali literature. Prachyavidya patrika is published with various disciplines like Hindu-Budhist religion and philosophy, arts-literature-language-culture, history, heritage, philosophy, moral teaching, harmony, social science etc. in Bengali, English and Sanskrit language. It is published regularly once in a year from the centre.

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